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NMB BANK PLC opère en Tanzanie.
NMB Bank Plc is a fully-fledged commercial bank in Tanzania. The bank offers banking services to individuals, small to medium sized businesses, as well as large corporate clients. NMB Bank has a wide branch network with over 230 branches, over 6000 NMB Wakala Agents and over 800 ATMs serving over 3.5 million customers across the country. With a balance sheet size of over TZS 6.1 trillion, the bank has consistently been the most profitable bank in the country for the last 15 years. NMB Bank is listed on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE)

Avis de passation de marché

Pays:  Tanzanie

Type:  Avis d'appel d'offres

Sept 19, 2024 
Date limite
Oct 8, 2024 

Pays:  Tanzanie

Type:  Avis d'appel d'offres

Mai 24, 2024 
Date limite
Juin 18, 2024 

Pays:  Tanzanie

Type:  Avis d'appel d'offres

Mai 24, 2024 
Date limite
Mai 30, 2024 

Pays:  Tanzanie

Type:  Avis d'appel d'offres

Mai 24, 2024 
Date limite
Mai 30, 2024