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Ministério da Administração Estatal e Função Pública (MAEFP), hereunder Direcção Nacional do Desenvolvimento Autárquico (DNDA)

Ministério da Administração Estatal e Função Pública (MAEFP), hereunder Direcção Nacional do Desenvolvimento Autárquico (DNDA) opère en Mozambique.
The MAEFP invites international independent and qualified consulting companies, with experience in the implementation of projects of the international financial cooperation and experience in the design, tendering and implementation of projects in coastal protection infrastructure, hydraulic engineering projects, drainage systems and mangrove reforestation.
Working experience in Mozambique and under similar conditions in other developing and / or transition countries has to be proven. An additional focus is set on working under similar natural boundary conditions such as in Mozambique.

Avis de passation de marché